Sept. 5, 2020
Please pray that the side affects from the chemo will be mitigated.

Aug. 17, 2020
Please pray that the cancer is low enough she doesn’t need more chemo.
July 9, 2020
Please pray that 1) her white blood cells will recover, 2) she will be able to resume her chemo treatments, 3) a bone marrow transplant match will be found, and 4) thanks for all the miracles and blessings along the way.
June 22, 2020
Please pray that 1) Zoe will be able to stop throwing up and keep her medicine, food, and fluids down, 2) this round of chemotherapy will continue to work, and 3) she will not need a third round of chemotherapy.
May 31, 2020
Please pray that 1) the medical professionals will be able to properly diagnose and treat her current situation of losing platelets, 2) that her discomfort and pain will be alleviated, 3) that her recovery will continue to go well, and 4) above all give thanks and gratitude for the many blessings and miracles.